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Published by: QiangTaiDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, master the six-step handwashing technique. December 16,2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, master the six-step handwashing technique.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, with the continuous rolling propaganda of various information channels, I believe everyone has heard about the daily epidemic prevention work, including minimizing ...

Published by: QiangTaiIs it better to lose weight in summer or to lose weight in winter?December 15,2020
Is it better to lose weight in summer or to lose weight in winter?

Due to the different climates in summer and winter, many people have different enthusiasm for weight loss. Many people don't like to exercise outside in winter. But there are still some people who...

Published by: QiangTaiHow can you burn fat and lose your belly fat?December 14,2020
How can you burn fat and lose your belly fat?

The abdomen is the center of our body, where it is the transition point between the upper and lower body, so it is very easy to accumulate fat. At the same time, belly fat is also very difficult to lo...

Published by: QiangTaiWhat are the top ten harms of obesity to the body?December 12,2020
What are the top ten harms of obesity to the body?

Although people with obese bodies are not uncommon in life, people's understanding of obesity is not enough, especially for the harm that obesity causes to us, or there is no awareness of this asp...

Published by: QiangTaiHow to lose weight through yoga?December 11,2020
How to lose weight through yoga?

In the process of training, every individual will use a variety of training tools, many of which are exposed to many people, such as dumbbells, yoga balls, and kettlebells. No matter what training too...

Published by: QiangTaiSimple and effective fruit and vegetable diet recipes for weight loss.December 10,2020
Simple and effective fruit and vegetable diet recipes for weight loss.

As we all know, eating more vegetables and fruits can help us lose weight. Vegetables and fruits are rich in nutrients, which can help the body detox and maintain health. However, fruits and vegetable...

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