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What is the best time to run in the morning?

Published by admin July 19,2022

Morning running is an exercise that has many benefits. Of course, regular morning running can enhance our physical function, and morning running also has many particulars, such as the best time, how long to run, and so on. So, what is the best time to run in the morning? How long is the best morning run? Let's take a look at the morning running together!

What is the best time to run in the morning
1. If it is summer morning exercise, it is best to be between 5 and 6:30 in the morning. If it is winter morning exercise, the time is between 6 and 7 in the morning. Whether it is too early or too late, for morning exercise Will have an effect.
 2. In the summer and autumn seasons, many elderly people get up early, and some get up at 4 o'clock to start exercising. In fact, doing exercise at this time period is of little benefit to the body, because the air quality at this time period is not very good At this time, the air is in circulation and movement, so after 5 o'clock, the air quality gradually improves, and it is best to exercise at this time.
3. In the winter and autumn seasons, it is relatively late in the morning and the weather turns cold at this time, so it is more inappropriate to get up early for exercise. The exercise time at this time is after 6 o'clock, which is safe and effective.

 run in the morning

How long is the best morning run
People with no exercise habits can start from walking for 20 minutes a day, walking for 25 minutes in the second week; increasing to 30 minutes in the third week; adding some jogging in the fourth week; walking and jogging equally in the fifth week; and finally running slowly stand up.
All sports require preparation activities, and running every morning is no exception. Pressing your legs lightly before running and doing squats can make your heart and muscles enter a state of exercise faster. If you take a few steps at first, then go briskly and trot, and finally formally start running, you can effectively warm up.

It is best to run a few times a week
In general, running 2-3 times a week is more appropriate, because, in a busy working state, it is quite difficult to take time out to run outdoors. Therefore, running once on weekdays and twice on weekends is the best way to relieve fatigue, relax your body and mind, but also exercise, improve your body's resistance and prevent disease.
If there is really no time, it is recommended to run once a week. When running, be careful not to run with your phone, because it will affect the swing of the arm, and people are easily distracted, suddenly stop because of something, or walk on the road unconsciously, it is difficult to reach the goal.


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