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Weight loss recipe of the week

Published by admin July 19,2022

Weight loss recipe of the week

Today I will bring you some weight loss recipes that fitness experts are using! Don’t forget to exercise while paying attention to your diet!

Breakfast is unified: half a grapefruit, a slice of toast, a cup of coffee or tea (no sugar added).

Monday weight loss recipes

Lunch: protein meat (lean meat, chicken, turkey, lean beef, etc. choose what you like), tomatoes (cut into slices and boil), a cup of coffee or tea.
Dinner: fish or shellfish, steamed, salad plate. Plus a piece of toast, a cup of coffee or tea, and a grapefruit.

Tuesday weight loss recipes

Lunch: fruit salad plate; then add a cup of coffee or tea.
Dinner: lean meat or ham (steamed); a plate of tomatoes, cabbage, celery, olive vegetables, pumpkin, cucumber, longan, etc.; plus a cup of coffee or tea.


Weight loss recipe

Wednesday weight loss recipes

Lunch: tuna or other fish salad (try not to add oil), add lemon juice or vinegar sauce; grapefruit or watermelon, or any kind of fruit; plus a cup of coffee or tea.
Dinner: Steamed lamb (sliced), remember to cut off the fat; a mixed salad of cabbage, tomato, cucumber, and celery; a cup of coffee or tea.

Thursday weight loss recipes

Lunch: Two eggs, any cooking method (oil is not allowed); tomato with beans or slices; a piece of toast, a cup of coffee or tea.
Dinner: braised chicken, all visible fat or skin should be removed before eating; plenty of vegetables, green peppers, coffee, or tea.

Friday weight loss recipes

Lunch: mixed cheese slices, vegetables, a piece of toast; a cup of coffee, or tea.
Dinner: fish or meat; mixed salad; a piece of toast; a cup of coffee or tea.

Saturday weight loss recipes

Lunch: fruit salad; a cup of coffee or tea.
Dinner: braised chicken or turkey (less oil); tomatoes, cabbage, grapefruit, or local seasonal fruits; a cup of coffee or tea.

Sunday weight loss recipes


Lunch: Steamed turkey or chicken; supplemented by tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, or cauliflower; plus grapefruit or seasonal fruits; a cup of coffee or tea.
Dinner: Wash the steak and steam it, remove excess fat, slice or boil cabbage, cucumber, celery, tomato, salad; sliced fruit; a cup of coffee or tea.

The road to weight loss is very difficult. Only those who have lost weight know how hard it is. They cannot eat oil. They must control their dietary calorie intake. Sweets and high-calorie foods must be rejected. Therefore, a good body also requires a lot of effort. of. I believe that the friends who can stick to it have already succeeded in half!


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