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What are the benefits of doing aerobic exercise?

Published by admin July 19,2022

Aerobic exercise means that the fuel (mainly glucose and fat) in the body is oxidized to carbon dioxide under the action of sufficient oxygen, and 1 gram of glucose is completely oxidized to release 16 kilojoules of energy. Anaerobic exercise refers to strenuous exercise. The anaerobic decomposition of glucose into lactic acid in the body and the anaerobic decomposition of 1 gram of glucose into lactic acid can only provide 1.5 kilojoules of energy. Muscle pain during strenuous exercise is the result of the accumulation of lactic acid in the body.


When doing aerobic exercise, the human body takes in more than ten times more oxygen than usual. The more inhaled oxygen increases the amount of hemoglobin in the body, accelerates the circulation of body fluids, promotes tissue metabolism, enhances the body’s ability to prevent diseases, and discharges toxic and harmful substances in the body. Greatly reduce the carcinogenic factors in the body.

The benefits of doing aerobic exercise


Aerobic exercise can significantly improve the functions of the cerebral cortex and the heart and lung system, and promote the central nervous system to maintain sufficient vitality; enhance the body's ability to produce SOD and other anti-aging substances, which is beneficial to delay tissue decline and aging.


Aerobic exercise can reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. After long-term aerobic exercise, the serum glyceride content can be reduced by about 45% (the esters in the blood are consumed by oxidation), the cardiac ejection volume during exercise is more than 3 times that of the resting state, and the fat content in the body is significantly reduced, thereby greatly improving The pulsating function of the heart and ester metabolism keep the arterial wall effective. At the same time, high-density ester protein with an anti-arteriosclerosis effect is produced in the blood, which effectively prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel wall, thereby reducing the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


When doing aerobic exercise, the body's oxidation is increased, sweat is produced to discharge toxic and harmful substances, cleans the skin, and prevents skin itching in winter.

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