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How To Lose Weight Quickly After Childbirth?

Published by admin July 19,2022

Causes of obesity in postpartum mothers

1. Due to the changes in endocrine and metabolism of women after pregnancy, gastrointestinal peristalsis slows down and abdominal muscles relax, which will make it difficult to recover their body shape after delivery
2. Postpartum obesity is related to insulin metabolism
3. When a woman is pregnant, the maternal placenta in the body rises rapidly so that a large amount of maternal fat can be digested and supplied to the fetus. Once the childbirth is completed, the placenta in the pregnant woman’s body will fall rapidly after the placenta is separated from the mother’s body, and cannot metabolize excess fat in the body, resulting in postpartum obesity.


Three major mistakes to pay attention to fast weight loss after childbirth

1. Diet after giving birth
2. Take weight loss pills and weight loss tea after childbirth
3. Exercise immediately after delivery

The ways to Lose Weight Quickly After Childbirth

Postpartum weight loss exercises

step 1
1. Twist left and right, try your best to turn until you can’t turn
2. Raise and straighten your hands as much as possible, and then bend over to the left and right. In the beginning, the amplitude can be smaller and gradually increase.
3. Stand up after squatting down and try to be slower. When doing this, try to keep your abdomen in, don't push your belly.
4. After curling up the legs, put them down, but also as slow as possible, but do not press against the abdomen.
5. Lift the leg vertically. You can do a small amount at first and do what you can.
6. Stretching the legs backward will help restore the ass. When doing this, remember that it is best to stretch your neck forward and raise your head.
7. Raise your arms and legs at the same time as an airplane takes off, and feel that the muscles on your stomach are stretched.
8. It's similar to the previous one, but with your hands facing back, stretch your spine.
9. Similar to sit-ups, you may not be able to do it at first, so take your time.

Step 2
1. Sit in the front half of the chair, with your feet close together, your arms flat in front of your body and shoulder-width apart, and your fists lightly touch.
2. Keep your arms raised, slowly turn your body to the left, and then slowly pull back to face straight ahead.
3. Same on the other side, repeat the action about 20 times.
4. Put your knees together, put your arms at your sides and keep a certain distance from your body, face straight ahead but lean your upper body sideways.
5. Repeat the same action on the other side, staggered and repeated 20 times. This can tighten the abdominal muscles on the waist and make the body line more perfect.



The main purpose of this kind of gymnastics is to eliminate fat on the lower abdomen. You can’t see any effect if you only do it two or three times. At least you have to do it two or three times a day in the morning and afternoon, at least eight beats each time. After three months, you can definitely see the effect. Not only can you maintain a beautiful figure, but it can also relieve the stress of going to work!


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