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Identify which type of obesity you are.

Published by admin July 19,2022

Identify which type of obesity you are


To lose weight, you must first find out which type of obesity you belong to, whether your obesity is edema or fat. If it is local, it can be divided into fat, muscle, and edema.
  If it is edema obesity, the key is to reduce swelling. I usually drink red bean and barley porridge, how can I tell if I am obese with edema? The main symptoms are general appetite, weakness in hands and feet; dislike of exercise; feeling soft after eating and want to lie down; sticky mouth; damage to urine; prone to gastrointestinal problems; swollen eyes when getting up in the morning. The limbs are heavy, the abdomen often feels full, and the hands and feet are swollen, especially the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. The areas that are prone to edema are generally the eyelids, insteps, ankles, and calves. The most obvious phenomenon is that it looks swollen, loose, and cold hands and feet.




Judgment method

Edema obesity: 1. If you want to know if you are edema, there is one of the easiest ways: After getting up in the morning, make a fist with both hands. If you feel swelling or muscle blockage between your fingers, unfortunately, you have swelling today. 2. Pinch the meat of the waist with your hands. The softer is edema obesity, and the harder is fatty obesity.

Fatty obesity: pinch the most obese part with your fingers to form a piece. When the muscles are tightened, you can still see obvious free and soft subcutaneous fat. This is usually what we call puffiness.

Muscle obesity mainly occurs in the calf. Do you like sports or long-term walking? This leads to muscle development. Muscle obesity is a reward for many people. Only a few groups, such as models and staff, worry about muscle obesity.


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