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Drinking water to lose weight 1

Published by admin July 19,2022

Drinking water to lose weight 1


Many people know that drinking water to lose weight, but drinking water at the wrong time can cause swelling of the body. Not only did they lose weight, but they also looked fatter. How to drink water to lose weight? Now I will tell you the correct way that drinking water to lose weight.


Get up in the morning and drinking water to lose weight. After getting up in the morning, drink warm plain water, about 300ml, on an empty stomach, and drink it in small sips (drinking water can cause headache, nausea, and vomiting). The boiled water does not contain protein, fat, carbohydrate, it can not only replenish cell moisture but also lower blood viscosity and accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis. Usually, after drinking plain water for half an hour, the body will excrete the metabolites from the previous night, reducing the chance of a small belly.


Drinking water to lose weight


This trick to drinking water to lose weight in the morning, KeepFit, has many celebrities imitating, and the success index of a thin abdomen is extremely high! Drinking water before a meal reduces appetite, hunger, and thirst. The feelings of hunger and thirst are all caused by the action of histamine, and they are all manifested in the same part of the body. Therefore, it is easy to confuse the two and regard the feeling of thirst as hungry. Originally, the body only needs water, but if histamine works due to dehydration, or the body feels stressed, it may overheat and cause obesity. To solve this problem is very simple, drink a glass of water half an hour before each meal, and then drink a glass of water two and a half hours after the meal. Drinking water half an hour before a meal helps to reduce the body’s need for thirst and hunger, not only makes it easier to feel full but also allows you to eat only when you really need food.


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