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Does exercise before bed help sleep?

Published by admin July 19,2022

We have all heard that it is best not to exercise too vigorously before going to bed at night, otherwise, you will not fall asleep. But we also saw some soothing things in other places, saying that they were made to help lose weight and promote sleep. So do you think exercise before bed helps sleep? Let's take a look!


Does exercise before bed help sleep?

Exercise intensity will cause physical fatigue, and the brain’s response to physical fatigue is to increase the time of deep sleep. In addition, aerobic exercise can avoid the flattening of the body temperature rhythm curve. After exercise, the peak body temperature of the person is at a higher level. Once it is lowered, it can be lower than before. The body temperature drops and people will feel sleepy, so you will feel sleepy after the exercise. Sleep better at night.

 exercise before bed help sleep

Which exercise before bed is good for sleep?

1. Bend your toes: Straighten your feet forward, lift up, and bend your toes toward the center of your feet, then relax. This set of actions can be repeated 10 times.

2. Stretch the back spine: Grab one side of the chair with both hands, then twist the upper body. This action lasts for more than ten seconds and then do it again in the opposite direction.

3. Breast expansion and extension: Hold your hands tightly behind your back, and then stretch your shoulders back to show the state of chest expansion, and try to expand it as much as possible. This can last about ten seconds.

4. Exercise the shoulder muscles: Lift the shoulders slowly and then relax to the original position. Repeating this 10 times will have a better effect.

5. Move the neck: Tilt your head forward, and if you feel muscle cramps, you should pay attention to it for about 10 seconds.

6. Scissor leg exercise: Lie flat on the bed, place your hands on both sides of your body with your palms facing down, then straighten your feet up and straighten them as hard as possible, then open your legs outwards and Put them together in a cross shape, and do 30-50 times back and forth, which can effectively eliminate the fat on the inner thigh.

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