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Why do thin people need to wear body shapers?

Published by admin July 19,2022

Many skinny people think that I have such a slim figure, why should I spend money to buy a corset? Isn't that even thinner? Why do thin people need to wear body shapers? In fact, the principle of sculpting is not like this, not to say that you are thin It will be thinner. When wearing shapewear, we always have some misunderstandings:

Misunderstanding 1: I'm thin and don't need to wear a bodysuit
It is very necessary for thin people to wear corsets. As people get older, their skin becomes slack and goes down instead of up. Whether we are fat or thin, our skin will sag downward. The design of body underwear is completely based on anti-gravity, so we must wear body underwear to prevent and delay our aging.

Misunderstanding 2: Body shapers have no effect on weight loss?
Losing weight is not the same as the body. In real life, most women are not satisfied with their figures. To this end, they have persistently struggled with fat for a long time: dieting, diet pills, exercise, liposuction and breast augmentation, etc., and they have to face many problems such as time, money, side effects and rebound after stopping efforts.

thin people need to wear body shapers

In fact, fat is the energy of life, and it is the source of "sexy" for women. At the same time, women's fat can flow, and the design of body underwear is based on this principle, condensing the latest achievements of humans in many fields such as structural mechanics, ergonomics, new materials science, fiber science, weaving technology, computer technology, etc. Designed according to the golden ratio of a woman's body in different periods, she can guide the direction of fat growth, return the lost, displaced, sagging fat, and at the same time, burn, decompose, and disappear excess fat. Long-term wear can Let the body fat reasonably exist, distribute it in a balanced manner according to the "golden ratio" of the body, and repair the deformed figure in a standardized way, so as to achieve the effect of reshaping the charming measurement curve and keeping the beautiful figure for life.

Others think that women who are obese need to wear sculpting underwear.
In fact, the main function of body shaping underwear is not to lose weight, so weight is by no means a standard for determining whether to wear. Women of any weight should pursue ideal lines. Women who are overweight, moderate or thin should be able to wear out with body shaping underwear. Own curvaceous.
Therefore, body shaping underwear is not designed for obese women. Basically any adult woman needs to wear body underwear.

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